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Why is the cooling system of the pipe bender so important?

2022-01-26 15:37:12

There are two types of cooling systems for pipe benders. Semi-automatic hydraulic pipe benders use water cooling, while fully automatic CNC pipe benders or servo pipe benders use air cooling.

The pipe bender will generate heat during long-term work. We have dealt with its overheating phenomenon, mainly through cooling. Is cooling really that important for the pipe bender? Many customers expressed I don't understand, today we will introduce this issue in detail.


In the long-term work of the pipe bending machine, the speed of the motor will generate a certain amount of heat. When the heat is too high, the hydraulic valve will be stuck, or the electric motor will trip. O-rings can all cause varying degrees of damage that can stop the device from working.

Timely cooling can make the bent part of the profile can be rapidly cooled by the action of the cooling medium, so that the inner side of the profile can be cooled and formed before the folds are formed, which can effectively prevent the inner wall of the profile from appearing during bending. The water cooling system is used for bending carbon steel pipes and low alloy steel pipes; the air cooling system is used for bending stainless steel pipes. The water cooling system can use tap water or groundwater, and the use of cooling is beneficial to prolong the service life of the equipment.

Zhangjiagang Weibo Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Ning

Mobile: 15371891344


Address: Jiangong Avenue, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

